日本信頼性学会 2023年度 第1回信頼性フォーラム「信頼性分野の技術力向上」を開催します.
日本信頼性学会 2023年度 第1回信頼性フォーラム
会 場:対面(日本科学技術連盟・東高円寺ビル)と
オンライン(Microsoft Teams)のハイブリッド開催
参加費:会員・賛助会員:3,000円, 非会員:5,000円, 学生:1,000円
資 料:印刷せずダウンロードのみといたします
【概 要】
10:00~10:05 開会挨拶
(日本信頼性学会 会長・早川 有 氏)
10:05~10:45 「Optimal work recess policy in a production system comprising unit processes」
Professor Jae-Hak Lim:Hanbat National University
10:45~11:25 「Cost analysis for a system with failure-interrelated components under warranty」
Professor Minjae Park:Hongik University
11:25~11:35 休憩
11:35~12:15 「A Study on NHPP Software Reliability Model with the Generalized Exponential
Fault Detection Rate in the Operating Environments」
Assistant Professor Kwang Yoon Song:Chosun University
12:15~12:20 午前の部 終了挨拶
12:20~13:30 昼休憩
13:30~13:35 午後の部 開始挨拶
13:35~14:15 「大規模スーパーコンピュータの安定稼働を支える論理検証・試験技術」
吉川 隆英 氏:富士通株式会社
14:15~14:55 「知って損しない統計的寿命予測法のあれこれ」
廣野 元久 氏:株式会社リコー
14:55~15:05 休憩
15:05~15:45 「JAXAにおける安全・ミッション保証研修に関する紹介」
大村 武久 氏:宇宙航空研究開発機構
15:45~16:25 「信頼性分野におけるビッグデータと人材育成」
田村 慶信 氏:山口大学大学院
16:25~16:35 休憩
16:35~17:20 全体討論
17:20~17:30 閉会挨拶
・Internet Explorer以外のブラウザでお試しください (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safariなど)
三菱UFJ銀行 新宿通支店 普通4448691
郵便振替 00100-5-56807
*ウェビナーツールは,Microsoft Teamsを使用します.
・Optimal work recess policy in a production system comprising unit processes
(Professor Jae-Hak Lim:Hanbat National University)
We consider a production system in which workers work on products moving on the conveyer belt. Each worker conducts her or his own task such as simple assembly or inspection. Workers take a break after they work for a certain amount of time or after they work on a certain number of products. The production system also suspends its operation while workers take a break and resumes its operation when workers start up their job again. The workers change off with new workers after the work-recess cycle is repeat ed several times. Such a production system can be easily found in industry. For example, the production system of a handbag consists of dozens of unit processes and the production system of automobiles consists of hundreds of unit processes. In such a production system, if the workers keep working their jobs without recesses, the company would have to pay the extra cost for the error since the error rate of the workers would increase even though the number of products increases. And although enough recess can reduce the error rate of the workers, too much recess causes the loss of opportunity of work. And then the productivity would decrease. And also if the work-recess cycle is repeated many times, the error rate would not decrease sufficiently even though they take a break. That is why the workers change off with new workers after the work recess cycle is repeated a certain number of times. Such changing off results in the increase of total cost due to the payment of the cost for new workers even though the error rate is reduced. Hence it is necessary to develop a proper management policy of the product system by deciding the work period, the recess period and the number of work-recess cycles in order to minimize the cost rate per unit time. In this research, we develop the optimal management policy for this product. To this end, we develop a work-recess model by applying the concept of the periodic preventive maintenance policy and then establish the mathematical formula of the expected cost rate function per unit work. And we show that there exist the optimal number of work-recess cycles, the optimal amount of works during a work-recess cycle and the optimal recess time each of which minimizes the expected cost rate. We present a numerical example in order to illustrate the proposed preventive management policy.
・Cost analysis for a system with failure-interrelated components under warranty
(Professor Minjae Park:Hongik University)
This paper proposes a warranty policy based on two factors - age and usage - that simultaneously incorporates both the warranty period and the refund or replacement period for a repairable product with an increasing failure rate. In this policy, the product is warranted by taking into account both its age and usage, and the warranty expires when the product reaches a specified age or a specified usage, whichever comes first. One unique framework of the policy presented in this work is that, under a specific type of lemon law, it defines a lemon period during which the manufacturer must either replace the purchased product or offer a refund to the buyer if the product fails in such a way that meets certain conditions involving either the number of failures or the length of each repair time. The lemon period is generally assumed to be shorter than the warranty period, and each failure that occurs after the refund or replacement period is only minimally repaired until the termination of the warranty. In this paper, we consider PM actions with its effects and failure interactions between critical components and non-critical components for a multi-component system. Under a specified cost structure, we evaluate the expected total warranty cost during the age-based warranty period and determine an optimal age-based warranty length from the manufacturer’s perspective. Finally, numerical examples are provided to analyze the proposed warranty policy.
・A Study on NHPP Software Reliability Model with the Generalized Exponential Fault Detection Rate in the Operating Environments
(Assistant Professor Kwang Yoon Song:Chosun University)
Software is becoming a very important factor in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, and software is being used in various places. In general, software systems are known to degrade performance and increase failure rate as their service life increases. Therefore, efforts have been made to expand the exponential distribution assuming a constant failure rate. The software reliability model is modeled on the basis of the number of software failures and the interval time between failures, and predicts how failures will occur in the future by estimating reliability evaluation measures such as failure interval time, software reliability and failure rate. In this paper, we propose a new software reliability model with a fault detection rate function of the generalized exponential distribution based on a non-homogeneous Poisson process (NHPP). As a result of the comparison of goodness-of-fit, it can be confirmed that the new proposed model is significantly better by showing that all the criteria of the new proposed model are the lowest compared to other models.
(吉川 隆英 氏:富士通株式会社)
(廣野 元久 氏:株式会社リコー)
(大村 武久 氏:宇宙航空研究開発機構 安全・信頼性推進部)
(田村 慶信 氏:山口大学大学院創成科学研究科)
様々な情報技術や情報サービスの結果として、クラウド上において大規模データが蓄積されている.特に,AI(Artificial Intelligence)の発展は目覚しく、ビッグデータと深層学習を融合したアプローチにより、多くの知見をもたらす研究成果も公開されている。本稿では、「数理・データサイエンス・AI」に関する高等教育機関における教育の一例を紹介する。特に、学部における教育だけでなく、信頼性分野における研究指導等を含んだ教育についても触れる。
(問合先) 日本信頼性学会 事務局
〒166-0003 東京都杉並区高円寺南1-2-1 一般財団法人日本科学技術連盟 内
電話 03-5378-9853 FAX 03-5378-9842 E-mail: reaj@juse.or.jp